Mabel L. Hyers to Grace Orchard Enck, November 17, 1915


November 17th, 1915.

My dear Mrs. Enck:

Miss Addams has referred our letter to this office for reply. [Except] in a broad sense Miss Addams work for peace and the work in the slums are quite different and I am not sure what you mean when you speak of social workers, and then refer to her work at The Hague. However, I take it that you are interested in the peace movement and its propaganda for a new social attitude toward war. On this supposition, I am sending you under separate cover some literature which will explain to you all our present activities.

If you have any questions to ask or if there is any other way in which we can serve you, please let us know.

Sincerely yours,

Assistant Secretary.

Mrs. Henry S. Enck,
1205 State Street,
Lima, Ohio.

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