Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, February 1917


Dear Miss Addams,

I fear we have no material beyond the enclosed circular letter. We are trying to get granges & unions [etc.] to get their members to write to their congressmen & senators.

We have lost Mr. Peabody, Dr. Kirchwey is and he both disapprove the referendum. Mr. P. thinks President Wilson is to be trusted absolutely and fears this may tie his hands. Dr. K. thinks it unpracticable and no credit to pacifist judgment of what is [realizable]. Bryan set the ball arolling and now it is going of itself. It seems to me good in itself a good medicine of propaganda not likely to materialize now but gr useful in giving a useful topic of debate and as a means of delay [page 2] and a way out for members of Cong. too cowardly to vote against war straight out if the break comes.

Anyway I couldn't persuade my group to give it up even if I wanted to more than I do. I wobble but [am willing] to go on spending what little reputation I ever had in the good cause. I shall have much to tell

Isn't Mr. Ford's fall from grace more complete and sudden than you expected. The hideous disgrace to America or Europe only on who were there can fully realize. Poor Mr. Lochner. What a [crucifixion] for him.

Miss Wald and her cohorts are fine. I would write [more] only I hope so soon to see you.

Yours as ever lovingly

Emily GB.
Friday evening.