Anna Maria "Dolly" Wall Sloan to Jane Addams, January 31, 1917

88 Washington Place
New York Jan. 31 1917
Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
Chicago Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Have you been able to arrange any meetings in or around Chicago for Mrs. Skeffington? She is to speak there on February 26th, and she is willing to speak at clubs or dinners for fifty dollars. We are trying to arrange her booking before she starts out, so there will be no confusion.

She is straight for peace, and, of course, suffrage; and I feel she could meet a class of people through you in Chicago which could be reached in no other way. She is perfectly sane, not hysterical, and has a voice of beautiful quality and carrying power.

I will appreciate any effort you make for her. With best wishes, I am


Anna M. Sloan [signed]

(Mrs. John Sloan)

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