Jane Addams to Robert A. Woods, April 11, 1916.


April 11, 1916

My dear Mr. Woods: --

I am afraid that I am not to be allowed to attend the Conference in New York in May. I am now under rather a careful course of treatment and my doctor seems to have taken a scunner against conferences, especially those held in cities. I am sure I need not tell you how very disappointed I am.

I will bring up the matter of the tax for publication at the next meeting of our executive board, and hope to let you know very soon in regard to representatives of Hull-House who may be able to attend. I think they sent the two dollar fee while I was in California.

You have doubtless seen the enclosed effort which the French are making towards the betterment [page 2] of social conditions after the war; it would seem fitting that the settlement people should be part of it. I know various women who are identified with it -- one or two are members of the Woman’s Peace Party, but on the whole, they are more conservative people than that.

With all good wishes for a very successful meeting, I am

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Robert A. Woods, Esq.,
Boston, Massachusetts.



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