Harriet Park Thomas to Cristina de Valentine, Edith F. Posedano and Juanita Valentine, July 8, 1916


July 8th, 1916.

Dear Mesdames:

Your letter of May the 25th to Miss Jane Addams addressed to Boston was forwarded to her here just after she left for her summer home in the east. It was then forwarded to her there and has since been returned to me for a reply.

I am very sorry to tell you that the state of Miss Addams health does not permit her to undertake any correspondence just now. She is living in complete retirement under strict medical orders. We are hoping very much that she will be restored by the end of the summer and may have many long and useful years for the world which needs her so greatly.

She has written me a little note in connection with your letter in which she expresses her very great gratification that there is a chance for the extension of the Woman's Peace Party into Costa Rica. At the Pan-American Conference in Washington in January the question of extending the Woman's Peace Party into the Latin-American countries was favorably discussed, but no definite action was taken on the matter.

I am sending you under separate enclosure literature which will explain the plans and purpose of our [organization]. As you see from the Preamble to our Platform, anyone in substantial sympathy with the main purpose of our organization, that is, to abolish war, is welcome into our membership.

The leaflet describing the classes of membership perhaps needs some slight explanation. By "Groups" is meant women's clubs and societies of every sort which may vote as a body to become affiliated with the Woman's Peace Party on the annual membership fee of $5.00. Individuals within these groups may become members at large of the National Woman's Peace Party upon payment of $1.00 a year. If you should decide to develop small groups of your own, you could determine upon the amount to be paid in such local organizations.

I hope very much that we may hear from you again and that you will see your way clear to the organization of some kind [page 2] of peace movement among the women of your country. I shall be able to send you within a few days a report of some of the work done by the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace which grew out of the Congress at The Hague last spring. Please write to us very freely for information and advice.

Hoping that the literature I am sending may be suited to your needs and may answer the questions you have asked, believe me

Very truly yours,

To the Mesdames
Cristina de Valentine,
Edith F. [Posedano],
Juanita Valentine,
San José, Costa Rica.