Jane Addams to Anna Marcet Haldeman, March 10, 1916


March 10" 1916

My dear Marcet

We are planning to leave here on the 23d to spend two days with Sarah en route at El Paso, and to arrive in New Orleans the evening of the 27th. Sarah address is [Mrs] E. A. Young 1524 [Epsom] Ave. El Paso Texas. We haven't yet selected our hotel at New Orleans but will let you know in good time. I am writing now so that you may save the date.

I have been better the last week and it is a very great pleasure to see Stanley and his really very charming wife.

Please don't give me away if I [enclose] [this] letter from Mrs Brown, does it mean that you have "chosen". Mary Smith sends her love to you as does your loving Aunt Jane Addams