Harriet Park Thomas to Clara Jane Bryant Ford, December 24, 1915


My dear Mrs. Ford:

At Miss Addams' request I am enclosing a copy of a cablegram received day before yesterday. Miss Addams was much pleased over the information in it as she has had no reports from the peace ship except the very unfriendly ones in the Chicago papers.

You will rejoice to know that Miss Addams has been permitted to return to Hull-House for the holidays. She is still in bed and under the care of a nurse, but will have to be exceedingly careful for sometime to come. It is such a relief to all of her friends to know that she out of the hospital.

She confidently hopes to be able to attend the Annual Meeting of the Woman's Peace Party in Washington, an invitation to which is being sent you in the same mail. Miss Addams asks me to tell you how gratified she would be if you could find it convenient to attend that meeting. The women throughout the country have become deeply interested in you and indebted to you because of your generosity in connection with the telegram sent to President Wilson, and Miss Addams feels that it would be a valuable aid to the peace movement on this side of the water, if you should identify yourself with the Woman's Peace Party at this Annual Meeting.

By this time you are probably settled in the new home. I am sorry that Mr. Ford is not to enjoy the first Christmas there with you and your son, but I am sure you are reconciled to his absence since he has gone on such a noble mission.

With cordial greetings and pleasant recollections of our meeting in New York, believe me with all good wishes for a happy holiday season.

Sincerely yours,

Executive Secretary.

Mrs. Henry Ford,
Detroit, Michigan.