Lucy Biddle Lewis to Jane Addams, November 2, 1915

Lansdowne Pa.

Dear Miss Addams,

I was truly sorry not to see you while you were in the vicinity but it could not be helped & I am hoping you will remember to keep your promise and let me know when you are near by again. I am [page 2] looking hopefully to some day having the chance to accept your invitation to Hull House, but see no immediate likelihood of a trip west.

I have a letter marked

On Behalf of Permanent Peace,
The Price of an Hour"

Can you tell me what it means? I do not know what [page 3] is meant by the "Central Bureau," or the affiliation fee of 25 frs. which they say no one has sent yet. I feel quite at a loss what to do & what it means. I have no Resolutions with page 15 in [there]. Can you enlighten me? Have there been other communications which I have missed? Emily Hobhouse's name being signed to it also puzzles me as she was not at the Congress -- though through no fault [page 4] of hers.

Every time I speak on the subject of our Congress at The Hague I see you so plainly, & wish I could see you in the flesh, but I can enjoy my friends in thought if I do not see them often. I do hope you are really well & wish I could help take care of you now & then when you need looking after.

Always affectionately yours Lucy Biddle Lewis.

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