Jane Addams to Rosika Schwimmer, March 30, 1915


March 30, 1915

My dear Madame Schwimmer: --

Miss Holbrook suggests that I write you in regard to your lectures, thinking that a letter may be of some use against the report circulated in Europe that you have not been strictly neutral. It gives me much pleasure to send you the enclosed letter.

I hope very much that you will continue to act as our International Secretary -- at least, until The Hague conference, when it may be better, for <the> various reasons we suggested in New York, to have an American woman in that position. Anything you can do toward establishing connections with the Scandinavian countries will be very much appreciated. I am sure you know that you set forth with our very best wishes.

With gratitude for what you have done for us, I am

Hastily yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Madame Rosika Schwimmer
New York, N.Y.

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