Anna Garlin Spencer to Jane Addams, July 17, 1915

Department of Sociology and Ethics
Meadville Theological School
Meadville, Pennsylvania

July 17, 1915.

Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear friend: --

I cannot tell you how relieved I am that you are safe at home, and not entirely exhausted with your great mission. There has not been a morning or evening since you sailed for New York that my thought has not gone toward you and the other women of our delegation in loving and hopeful wishes for your health and real success. The mistaken idea that our newspapers had and seem still to have, that The Hague meeting was undertaken with [the] idea that a company of women could "stop this war," has been been <a> [proof] to me that the [Woman's] Peace Party is needed more than even the woman who started it imagined. I feel it a great personal grief that I am unable to put all my time and strength into that movement, as it was a terrible disappointment to me that I could not go with you. I write now to give you my warm welcome, and all the comfort and help that my great appreciation of your sacrificing service during these last weeks may bring. I have never felt so near to any human being whom I could not at the moment see and touch as I have felt to you during all this time. I expect to be in Chicago on Wednesday August 11th arriving on the train leaving here Tuesday night, arriving somewhere between 8 and 9 <A.M> in Chicago. I leave with a party of friends at 10.30 p.m. for the Pacific Coast. I plan to see you perhaps, at the Peace Party office, for as much of the day as we can counsel together, provided you are to be in Chicago at that time. When are you going west and how long will you be there? Kindly let me know this as soon as you know and it is convenient to send me word. Mrs. Post has kindly sent me a copy of her letter to you written July 11. In it she suggests the possibility [page 2] of our being together at San Francisco, you, she and I. I wish this might be. I expect to be in San Francisco until the 7th <4th> or 8th <5> [of] September from the 20th of August. Do not trouble to write a word, dear friend, only let some one let me know whether I can see you August 11 in Chicago, and if there is a possible chance of our being together at San Francisco. I fear from what Mrs. Post wrote that you are having trouble with your eyes, and I know you must be fearfully tired. I am glad you are back with your friends.

Yours lovingly

Anna Garlin Spencer. [signed]

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