4, Barton Street,
Westminster, S.W.
June 21
Dear Miss Addams,
(1) Mr. Lloyd George would be very glad if you would lunch with him tomorrow at 11 Downing Street, [page 2] at 1.30. I do hope you can go. He will be very busy all Wedy.
(2) M. Gennadius, the Greek Minister, would also be v. glad to see you if you would do him the [page 3] [honor], he says, of calling at his house in De Vere Gardens at 12.30 tomorrow; or if that is not convenient, if you would let him know what other time would suit you. [page 4]
I promised to let both know your answer first thing tomorrow morning. Can you tell me now? I will wait.
Yours sincerely
Catherine E. Marshall