223 results

  • Mentions: Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919)

Addams talks to a New York Sun reporter about her decision to support Theodore Roosevelt and the new party in the presidential election.

Balch tells Evans that Addams has been slandered by the Daughters of the American Revolution and defends her from attacks on her patriotism.

Balch defends Addams against accusations made by the Daughters of the American Revolution and other organizations.

McClatchy asks Addams to oppose efforts to weaken immigration restrictions on Japan and to help them obtain more supporters among the clergy.

Addams and other supporters of Theodore Roosvelt's 1912 presidential campaign endorse Robert La Follette for president.

Abbott advises Addams to sue Ferre Watkins and Helen Dawes for libel and slander.

Williams offers a tribute to the late William Jennings Bryan.

Catt tells Hull why she made statement about the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and asks to reconcile.

Addams discusses a meeting with Theodore Roosevelt in 1905 in which he advised women's clubs to agitate for labor reform.

Addams recalls Theodore Roosevelt's visits to Hull-House and told a story of losing her hat during one trip.

Armes describes Russian refugee Jan Pouren's efforts to enter and remain in the United States.

Armes tells an anecdote about Addams losing her hat and Theodore Roosevelt taking his off too.

Armes thanks Addams for her stories about Theodore Roosevelt and asks for additional accounts of her meetings with him.

Addams speaks on the value of the World Court to peace in a speech before the Women's Roosevelt Republican Club.

Catt tells Addams about the possibility of an investigation of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom for Russian ties by Congress, provides information about a similar investigation of the Women's Joint Congressional Committee, and mentions that the accusations are funded by militarists.

Shurly asks the clergy of Detroit to join him in opposing any visit of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, which he characterizes as borderline insane and treasonous.

Addams offers a history of movements for world courts and peace. The speech was given at the Palmer House in Chicago to the Women's Roosevelt Republican Club.

An issue of Unity that features articles on the settlement of international disputes, labor in Italy and Germany, and book reviews.

Addams reflects on Theodore Roosevelt's visits to Chicago.

Addams makes the case for European relief to save starving children.

Addams offers a tribute to Theodore Roosevelt on news of his death.

McDonnell tells Beck that his critical editorial about Addams, published in the Chicago Tribune, is wrong.

Brown testifies on behalf of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section for a dramatic reduction in American military spending and and for universal disarmament.

McDonald urges members of the League to support the ratification of a treaty paying Colombia for the loss of Panama.