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  • Creator is exactly "Lewis, Lucy Biddle "

Lewis sends Addams her congratulations on the Civic Dinner in her honor.

Lewis asks Addams about the possibility of hiring Amy Woods as the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section Executive Secretary and outlines plans for the Section's future.

Lewis sends Addams good wishes for recovery and tells her how much everyone loves her.

Lewis thanks Addams for a gift and discusses the decision to hold the next International Congress of Women in the United States.

Lewis welcomes Addams home and updates her on some of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's plans.

Lewis invites Baer to help organize the International Congress of Women in the United States.

Lewis explains to Addams the errors that the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section made over the summer while she was ill.

Lewis sends Addams news about the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's plans for a December conference and advises on how to organize American response.

Lewis updates Addams on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section's finances and office work.

Lewis suggests to Addams that Jeanette Rankkin might make a good Executive Secretary for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section.

Lewis tells Addams about politics in the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Herbert Hoover's efforts to assist with Russian relief, and her family.

Lewis writes to Addams about finding a new chairman for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section and funding a lecture series.

Lewis praises Addams's manuscript for Peace and Bread in Times of War and asks for help in raising funds for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section.

Lewis advises Addams on holding the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Congress in Vienna.

Lewis invites Addams to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section board meeting and offers to host her at her house.

Lewis tells Addams about work being done in Pennsylvania and asks Addams's advice about dealing with Herbert Hoover.

Lewis talks about her memberships in various organizations.

Lewis worries to Addams over the many pressing needs facing the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and the difficulty of deciding where to act

Lewis suggests possible housing arrangements for an upcoming meeting.

Lewis hopes to see Addams in Chicago and discusses her views of the Woman's Peace Party.

Lewis updates Addams on the work of Pennsylvania Quakers to oppose World War I.

Lewis asks Addams for more information on a committee meeting.

Lewis conveys her hope to see Addams in person soon and asks for clarification on several subjects including a letter in her possession.

Lewis updates Addams on peace work in Philadelphia and discusses family holiday plans.