International Congress of Women Schedule, May 12-17, 1919


International Congress of Women

arranged by the

International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace

Zurich, May 12-17, 1919

Headquarters: Glockenhaus, Sihlstrasse 33, Zurich

The International Congress of Women which met at The Hague in 1915 resolved that "an international meeting of women shall be held in the same place and at the same time as the Conference of the Powers which shall frame the terms of peace settlement after the war, for the purpose of presenting practical proposals to that Conference."

In accordance with this plan the present Congress is meeting, although not at the same place and the same time with the official Peace Conference.

Monday May 12th 9.30-12: Business Meeting at the Glockenhaus.

1. Opening of Congress.

2. Appointment of Interpreters and Recording Secretaries.

3. Address of welcome by Clara Ragaz, chairman of Swiss Section.

4. Reply by President of International Committee.

5. Report of Credentials Committee and Roll Call.

6. Acceptance of Agenda.

7. Adoption of Rules of Order.

8. Board of Officers' report.

a) Four years work at headquarters: Dr. Aletta Jacobs.

b) Financial report by Emily Balch. [page 2]

c) Envoys to Governments: Report by Chrystal Macmillan.

9. Appointment of drafting and translating Committee.

Monday, 2.30-4.30: Business Meeting at the Glockenhaus.

10. Reports and Experiences from National Sections of the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain and Ireland, Hungary, British India, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, United States, Uruguay.

Monday, 8.15 p.m.: First Public Meeting in the Aula of the University. Addresses by the President, Jane Addams, and representatives of the National Committees from different Countries.

Tuesday and Wednesday, 9.30-12 and 2.30-4.30 p.m.: Business Meeting at the Glockenhaus.

11. Discussion of Resolutions to be submitted to the Official Peace Conference on terms of the Peace Treaty including the League of Nations and a Woman's Charter.

Tuesday, 8.15 p.m.: Public Meeting at the Aula, University. Subject: Woman's Suffrage and Durable Peace.

Thursday, 9.30-12 and 2.30-4.30 p.m.: Business Meeting at the Glockenhaus.

12. Discussion of Resolutions concerning The Moral Bases of a World without War. An educational [Program] fitted to the World after the War, Economic Relations and the Position of Women.

Thursday, 8.15 p.m.: Public Meeting in St. Peter's Church. Subject: Woman's Part in the League of Nations. [page 3]

Friday, 9.30-12 and 2.30-4.30 p.m.: Business Meeting at the Glockenhaus.

13. Future Work and [Organization] of the International Committee.

14. Recommendations to the National Sections.

Friday, 8.15 p.m.: Public Meeting at the Aula of the University. Subject: Woman's Part in the Reconstruction of the World.

Saturday, 9.30-12 and 2.30-4.30 p.m.: Business Meeting at the Glockenhaus. Unfinished business.

*) A rule similar to that adopted at The Hague Conference excluding from the scope of discussion the relative national responsibility for the war or the relative national conduct of the war is adopted for the present Congress.

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