Sarah Weber Addams Young to Jane Addams, July 21, 1923


My dear Aunt Jane:

Yesterday a copy of Miss Smith's letter to Esther came -- and we were so relieved to know just how you were and more of the details -- for the newspaper accounts had been any thing but comforting. Miss [page 2] Lathrop had sent copies of the cables -- which came just before we started on a little motor trip "down the valley."

It will be comforting to know that you are "all well" and out of the hospital -- but of course that will take time. I am so glad there were [page 3] such splendid surgeons and doctors to be had -- and that it was all so successful. We will be so glad to have the news as it comes from letter to letter.

We have been having decidedly hot weather -- but [today] -- a most [unusual] thing happened for this part of Texas -- we had a four inch rain -- and [one fairly sees?] the grass turn green.

We had quite a pleasant trip. Ernest had to go to McAllen on business -- so we went ↑too↓ stopping at Corpus Christi -- going down and [page 4] coming back. Corpus has a very good beach which we thoroughly enjoyed.

I will send this note to the Hospital -- as the China address seems too far [wordy?].

Please give my love to Miss Smith and both Ernest and I send a lot of love and wishes for the [page 5] speediest and best of recoveries. We are hoping you will come go home by San Antonio.

Lovingly --


21 July.
1210 Townsend.