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World War One (1914-1918)
Item Relations
Mentioned in (508)
Participated in (119)
Related to (1)
Comments (0)
Is the Peace Movement a Failure?, August 21, 1914
Is the Peace Movement a Failure?, November 1914
Once More We are As Children, December 24, 1914
Foreword to War and Social Reconstruction, March 6, 1915
Towards the Peace That Shall Last, March 6, 1915
James Woodburn Hamilton to Jane Addams, April 8, 1915
Hamilton Holt to Whom it May Concern, April 13, 1915
Adelaide M. Plumptre to Jane Addams, April 15, 1915 (fragment)
Jane Addams on the Suffrage Cause, April 17, 1915
Alfred Henry Baller to Jane Addams, April 21, 1915
Emily Hobhouse to Jane Addams, April 22, 1915
Raymond Unwin to Jane Addams, April 26, 1915
Review of Thomas Dixon's The Clansman, May 1915
Presidential Address, International Congress of Women at The Hague, May 1, 1915
Women to Appeal to Chief Capitals, May 1, 1915
War's Debasement of Women, May 2, 1915
Women to Keep on Their Work for Peace, May 4, 1915
Jane Addams Urges Neutrals to Press Peace, May 10, 1915
What the Women Did, May 11, 1915 (draft)
What the Women Did, June 9, 1915
Address at Carnegie Hall, July 9, 1915
Interview with Edward Marshall, July 11, 1915
The Revolt Against War, July 17, 1915
Address at the Chicago Auditorium, July 22, 1915
Address of Miss Jane Addams, Delivered at Carnegie Hall, July 9, 1915
The Food of War, December 13, 1915
Address at the first annual meeting of the Woman's Peace Party, January 9, 1916
Address to the Woman's Peace Party, January 9, 1916
Testimony Before the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, January 11, 1916
Testimony before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, January 11, 1916 (fragment)
Statement on Preparedness, January 13, 1916
A Conference of Neutrals, January 22, 1916
War Times Challenging Woman's Traditions, August 5, 1916
Statement of Miss Jane Addams Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, December 12, 1916
Statement on Open Peace Parley, December 21, 1916
Statement on Open Peace Parley, December 21, 1916
Patriotism and Pacifists in War Time (fragment), Spring 1917
Patriotism and Pacifists, Spring 1917
Patriotism and Pacifists, Spring 1917
Testimony Before the House Judiciary Committee on the Espionage Bill, April 9, 1917
Testimony on Conscription, April 14, 1917
Patriotism and Pacifists, April 30, 1917
Patriotism and Pacifists in War Time, May 15, 1917
Labor as a Factor in the Newer Conception of Internationalism, May 31, 1917
Tolstoy and the Russian Soldiers, September 29, 1917
Tolstoy and the Russian Soldiers, September 29, 1917
Food Conservation, October 16, 1917
Conservation of the World's Food Supply, November 3, 1917
Discussion of State Care of Mothers and Infants, May 17, 1918
Russia -- A Touchstone, August 1918
Browse all documents that mention "World War One (1914-1918)"
Andrews, Champe Seabury (1875-1936)
Bethmann-Hollweg, August Friedrich von (1890-1914)
Birdwood, William Riddell (1865-1951)
Bliss, Tasker H. (1835-1930)
Bush, Harold Montfort (1871-1945)
Cabot, Richard Clarke (1868-1939)
Corn, John A. (1879-?)
Dewey, Chauncey (1877-1959)
Dewson, Mary Williams (1874-1962)
Dougherty, Eleanor (1890-1968)
Down, William Oliphant (1885-1917)
Draper, William Henry, Jr. (1894-1974)
Edwards, Nelson Elisha (1887-1954)
Fell, Edgar Tremlett (1895-1951)
Fisher, Boyd Thomas (1886-1956)
Fulton, John S. (1859-1931)
Fussell, Paul L. (1895-1973)
Gardner, Augustus Peabody (1865-1918)
Gleason, Arthur Huntington (1878-1923)
Goodman, Kenneth Sawyer (1883-1919)
Gray, Alonzo (1861-1943)
Hamer, Eugénie (1865-?)
Harrison, Carter Henry, Jr. (1860-1953)
Hughes, Chester (1888-1915)
Jones, Donald Riter (1891-1986)
Lane, Joseph Ray (1895-1953)
Leahy, Paul S. (1889-1952)
Linn, John Addams (1872-1918)
Mandel, Milton (1881?-1950)
Marbury, Elisabeth (1856-1933)
McCormick, Chauncey Brooks (1884-1954)
Molthan, Emily Henry (1894-1952)
Morton, Rosalie Slaughter (1876-1968)
Nelson, Frank L. (1873-1947)
Orlandisch, John (1889-1918)
Pershing, John Joseph (1860-1948)
Pierce, William Foster (1868-?)
Pinkett, Harrison J. (1882-1960)
Rice, Harriet Alleyne (1866-1958)
Robertson, Donald S. (1885-1961)
Rowland, Amy Farley (1872-1953)
Straus, Roger Williams (1891-1957)
Thompson, Clarence S. (1888-1959)
Van Dyke, Henry (1852-1933)
Wallace, Elizabeth (1865-1960)
Walsh, Charlotte Silsbee Smith (1876-1951)
Wigmore, John Henry (1863-1943)
Wilson, Francis Stirling (1892-1964)
Wyckoff, Charles Sterling (1866-1945)
Young, Hilton (1879-1960)
Browse all participants in this event
Elizabeth Breeze Vermilye to Jane Addams February 19, 1917
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