Jane Addams to Emily Greene Balch, January 25, 1917


International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace


My dear Miss Balch

We have gotten up to $8340.00 but we have heard nothing from Mass. Shall I try Mrs Quincy Shaw myself, or do you think Mrs Mead and the others will try her. Could you stir them up.

A letter from Copenhagen yesterday <sent with the [ballot]> expresses most devoutly (twice) the wish that you would come over, they evidently think that peace is coming quickly -- perhaps they are right.

I have looked [everywhere] for a copy of the Dell letter and fail to find one. It is possible that I destroyed it as too [page 2] confidential to have around. Paul Kellogg had a copy and may be able to produce it. I am awfully sorry not to find it.

Wasn't the Senate speech fine and aren't the Allies stupid about it?

Always devotedly yours

Jane Addams

Jany 25" 1917