Jane Addams to Charles D. Addams, October 3, 1913


October 3, 1913.

My dear Mr. Addams,

I think there is no doubt that we are relatives. My father, John H. was the son of Isaac Addams, who lived at Sinking Springs, Pennsylvania, not very far from Reading. My father has a number of relatives who are living in that vicinity. His sister, my aunt, Mrs. Jane Mull, lives at Overbrook, Pennsylvania, and I am sure would be very glad indeed to see you. She belongs to the older generation and is well versed in all of the family ramifications.

I hope very much that if you are ever passing through Chicago that you will come to Hull House to see me. It will give me great pleasure to meet you.

Thanking you for your kind letter, I am,

Very sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Mr. Charles D. Addams,
Reading, Pa.

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