Alice Peloubet Norton to Frances Sarah Knight Hallowes, May 21, 1915


May 21, 1915

My dear Mrs. Hallowes:

Your letter to Miss Addams finds her still on the other side of the water. She has not yet returned from The Hague Congress. When she comes your letter and the table of contents of your book will be given her. We will try to get a copy of the book and have it on our reading table.

In regard to your request for suggestions as to method of putting your book into circulation I would suggest that A. G. McClurg & Company, 218 [S]. Wabash Ave., Chicago would be the best firm to deal with in this part of the country. In New York the [Macmillan] Company, [Longman] Green <& Co> and G. P. Putnam & Sons are all good firms. Your London publishers should also know how to reach firms here. After we see the book we may be able to make more suggestions.

With cordial good wishes, I am

Sincerely yours,

Acting Ex. Secretary

Mrs. Frances S. Hallowes
Mussoorie, U.P.