Isabel Hampden Margesson to Jane Addams, May 11, 1915


11 May 15

Dear Miss Addams

I cannot resist giving myself the pleasure of writing to you whilst you are in England. You were so kind to our son, David when he was in Chicago & neither he nor we can ever cease to be grateful to you & to Mrs Bowen for all your goodness to him. He is at Aldershot now waiting for orders to go to the war & you will know how anxious we are. This [page 2] terrible war which has plunged Europe into the blackest misery casts a dark shadow over us all.

I have today received a notice of the meeting tomorrow at which you are going to speak & I wish so much that I might have had the [privilege] of hearing you. With my kindest regards & many many greetings

Believe me, dear Miss Addams

Yours sincerely

Isabel Hampden Margesson

I am going to London on Monday -- would you [written up left margin of page 1] have [tea] with me at [5 o'clock] that day at my Club, the Sesame, 29 Dover Street Piccadilly. It would be such a great pleasure if you could come?

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