Secretary to Jane Addams to George Banschbach, April 5, 1915


April 5, 1915

My dear Mr. Banschbach:

Miss Addams has asked me to acknowledge your letter of March 30th.

You speak of the inconsistency of attending The Hague Conference while our government is exporting arms. May I enclose to you a leaflet that embodies the opinion of the Emergency Peace Federation as well as the Woman's Peace Party in regard to this matter. For protest in this way it would seem to be quite legitimate for those who believe in making every effort to stop the war, and particularly in educating the public opinion for future peace, to attend any congress that has these ends in view. Certainly these times are confusing and it is difficult to be wholly consistent but in this particular instance it would seem to be not inconsistent.

Very truly yours,

Assistant Secretary

Mr. George Banschbach,
737 Independence Blvd.,
Chicago, Illinois

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