Secretary to Jane Addams to Clara Sturges Johnson, April 1, 1915


April 1, 1915.

My dear Mrs. Johnson:

Miss Addams has asked me to reply to your letter of March 23rd in regard to an exhibit at the San Diego Exposition.

This society are not undertaking any exhibit. Indeed, we have found ourselves almost overwhelmed with the amount of work to be done in trying to launch the party upon its career.

Miss Addams wishes me to say that we should be glad of any suggestions that you might give in regard to the possibility of such an exhibit. Would it not be too late now to do anything?

I am passing your letter to Mr. Lochner of the Chicago Peace Society and hope that he may know of some work of this kind. It certainly seems true that we should have thought of this and have done something effective in this line.

Sincerely yours,

Assistant Secretary

Mrs. Wm. Templeton Johnson,
Ocean Boulevard,

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