Richard Watson Gilder to Jane Addams, March 22, 1903

No 13 East Eighth Street.
(Clinton Place)

March 22. 1903.

My dear Miss [Addams],

Your surprise at certain statements of mine leads me to wish to prove that they are not "dinner-table talk." So I am deprecatingly moved to send you my two last volumes to show that the son and kinsmen of fighters, [illegible] ↑and↓ [one] ↑E.?↓ who is himself a "survivor" of the Civil-war, a veteran & a grand army man can [illegible] -- Can preach peace. As you [page 2] are too busy to spend much time with a rhymer of rhymes pardon me for helping to save you time by directing your attention ↑[especially]↓ in the "Palestine" book to "the Heroic Age," "The Sword of the Spirit," "Through all the Cunning Ages," "A Vision," & "The Word of The White Tsar." also pages 37 & 38 of "A Winter Twilight."

And [in] "Poems & Perceptions", (the other book) "War," page 48.

In this book you may be interested also in the Inscriptions for Buffalo. [page 3]

It would do you good to read Emerson's Essay on "War" -- I have just been reading it -- in his Miscellanies.

I was greatly delighted to make the acquaintance of one whose name is a household word, and whose life is an inspiration, to many beside, yours


R. W. Gilder

PS. Also I am sending you the little Lincoln. If you look at the Introduction you will find the letter of Consolation.

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