William Draper Lewis to Thomas Ignatius Parkinson, December 22, 1913


December 22nd., 1913.

Thomas I. Parkinson, Esq.,
Legislative Drafting Research Fund,
606 Kent Hall, Columbia University,
New York, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Parkinson: --

If satisfactory to the Drafting Association as Chairman of the Legislative Reference Committee of the Progressive National Service, I desire to make with the Association the following arrangement, namely, that the Drafting Association completes the draft of a Federal act and a model state compulsory workmen's compensation act for the Committee, along the lines of the standards submitted to the Committee by the Conference on standards of the Progressive National Service. The Association to further carry out any changes in the draft submitted as may be directed by the Reference Committee. The Committee agrees to pay to the Drafting Association the actual cost of this work, not to exceed $500.00, out of the first moneys under their control not necessary for current expenses and salaries. This arrangement to be subject to the formal approval of the Legislative Reference Committee at its next meeting.

Sincerely yours,