Summary of Samuel McCune Lindsay's Work for rhe Progressive Service , 1913 (fragment)


As you know, Dr. Lindsay has been sick this fall with typhoid fever and at the meeting of the Board on December 6th Miss Kellor had a letter from Mr. Parkinson, his associate in the Columbia group -- stating how things stood with the three major reports on standards growing out of their summer's work.

1. Workmen's compensation (by Mr. Beaman with the endorsement of Prof. Seager and others who participated in last summer's conferences; draft in Miss Kellor's hands.)

2. Social Insurance (Mr. Chamberlain, with Dr. Rubinow's assistance. Draft completed and going the rounds of critics to be at Progressive Service office within a few days.)

3. Factory administration (Dr. Lindsay. Held up on account of his illness, but practically complete and to reach Service headquarters early in the year.)