Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, December 8, 1914


December 8, 1914

My dear Mrs. Blaine: --

Since I have had a talk with Miss Breckinridge I think we were very stupid not to have better understood your plan.

I quite agree with you that a statement should be made of the future usefulness of the School, with its resources and achievements. The matter seems quite clear since my conversation with Miss Breckinridge, and I am sorry that I interpreted the word "survey" so narrowly. I shall be very glad to be of whatever service I may to such a committee, and am sure that the work Miss Breckinridge has in mind to do now will afford the best possible foundation.

I have a letter from Mr. Lovejoy of the Child Labor Committee stating that you have been made a member of the Committee but have not yet accepted your appointment. He begs me to urge you to accept. The affairs of the Committee are very well managed and I am sure that the work they are doing in the South would meet with your approval. I wish very much that we might persuade you to accept the election which was made with so much enthusiasm.

May I remind you that for several years you have given your annual subscription to Hull-House in December, and that we are as poor as possible this year trying to meet the constant and inevitable demands of our "our of work" neighbors. We have two little undertakings -- one for the neighborhood girls who were formerly members of our Trade School, and who are now working on children's clothes -- the other is work for the older members of our Boys' Club making wooden animals. They both promise well on the financial side and there is really no limit to the things we might try had we the money this topsy-turvy winter.

Always affectionately yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Mrs. Emmons Blaine
Chicago, Illinois.

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