Jane Addams to Susan Walker FitzGerald, November 23, 1914

800 South Halsted Street

November 23, 1914

My dear Mrs. [FitzGerald]: --

I have your letter notifying me of my election as Honorary Vice President of the National American Woman Suffrage Association.

I quite realize that at Nashville I said I would accept such a position, but now I realize the implications of having my name printed with those of the officers I feel that it is impossible. I should naturally feel absolutely bound to the policies of the Association and at the same time would be without the opportunity for discussion and voting. I am sure you will agree with me that it is foolish to go on. I received so many complaints last year, and so many difficult situations were reported to me. I can now reply that I am no longer connected with the Association and refer them to the National office.

As I understand it, all of the oldest vice-presidents have been done away with, and to be the only one would make me as much of a "mark" as if I appeared on the stationery. On the whole, I must decline the honor, assuring the Executive Council of my great appreciation of their action.

Hoping to see you some time in Boston and with many pleasant remembrances of our association on the Board, I am

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams.

Mrs. Susan [FitzGerald]
New York, N.Y.

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