Jane Addams to Raymond Robins, February 20, 1914


 February 20, 1914.

My dear Mr. Robins: --

Miss Carpenter gave me the enclosed material when I was in New York. She seemed very [enthusiastic] over her plan for securing working men as members of the Progressive Party and also seemed to be very successful.

I want very much to talk over the whole question of the Service with you -- to me it seems to be left in rather a perplexing situation!

And I also want to resign from the Executive Committee of the Party. I realize that I have no right to appoint my successor, but I hope very much that you will have the place which I have so uselessly filled. I spoke to Mr. Perkins about it when I was in New York and he seemed to think that it would be quite possible to arrange it.

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

Raymond Robins, Esq.,
Chicago, Illinois.

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