Jane Addams to Arthur Hale Woods, February 3, 1914


February 3, 1914.

My dear Mr. Woods: --

The National Child Labor Committee has a great deal of material on the subject of children on the stage and the way the New York law has operated -- to the disaster, we believe, of many children who were permitted to undertake a stage life prematurely.

I have sent your letter on to Mr. Lovejoy, secretary of that Committee, and have asked him to communicate with you directly. I hope his material will be satisfactory.

We have a [theater] at Hull-House and a great deal of dramatic work has always been done by the children who come to the House. It is conducted, however, along educational lines -- a very different thing from exploiting children for the profits of managers. I simply instance this to show that I am not at all a bigot on the question of the relation of the stage to children.

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

A. Woods, Esq.,
New York, N.Y.

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