Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, July 1, 1913


July 1st 1913

On board R. M. S. "OLYMPIC."

My dear Alice

We land tomorrow morning and I hope to leave N.Y. in the afternoon of the next day or the latest, July 3d -- that would bring me into Chicago on the morning of the 4th

Won't you have a telegram or a letter at H. H. telling me how long you will be at Cedarville?

If only for a very short time, I will of course come out at once, but if you are planning to stay for a few weeks longer, I should be glad to come out after a few days at H. H. [page 2] I have been sending pamphlets on to Girard, not knowing until your last letters came that you were at Cedarville. I have been hoping all of the time that you would stay, and as soon as I know your plans, I will fit mine to them. Perhaps Mary Smith & I can come out together. We have had rather dull weather but on the whole a fairly smooth crossing. The Olympic herself is a wonderful boat, quite unlike anything I have ever been on. Please give my love to the dear household.

Always your loving sister Jane Addams

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