Montaville Flowers to Jane Addams, ca. July 1913

The Progressive National Lyceum Service

A Lyceum and Chautauqua Department has been established by the Progressive National Service, and we are now making up our list of speakers.

Our aim is to instruct public opinion on Progressive principles and measures. We will use the established lyceum and Chautauqua. university extension, Progressive clubs now so rapidly forming, agricultural gatherings, special occasions and every auspice that will assemble either a partisan or a non-partisan audience. You readily see what a force this will become when fully under way.

We hope that loyalty to our cause will prompt many men and women to give without cost to us a portion of their time, and we shall use that time so as to make this service self-sustaining. If this be impossible on your part, please indicate the compensation desired.

I enclose a blank with I ask you to fill and return at once. This data will serve both the Speaker's Bureau for political work and the Lyceum Service for its educational campaign.

There is just now every indication of a great spread of Progressive ideas. What will you contribute in time and service?


Montaville Flowers. [signed]

Director, Lyceum Service.

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