Flora Gapen to Jane Addams, May 17, 1912


May 17, 1912

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago.

Dear Miss Addams:

Mrs. Reiss of Sheboygan wishes to entertain you at a 1 o'clock luncheon May 28th at the time of your visit to that city. If good train connections can be arranged between Appleton and Sheboygan could you accept Mrs. Reiss's invitation? She has asked us to make arrangements with you in reference to it and assures us that you will not be called upon to speak at the luncheon. Mrs. Gudden, when here last Saturday, said that she believed you would fall in with the plan, understanding at that time that you would go from Oshkosh to Sheboygan.

Hastily yours,

Executive Secretary.

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