Jane Addams to Louise Lindin, February 4, 1913


Feb. 4, 1913

My dear Mrs. Lindin: --

Although you tell us not to write you each time when your check comes, I am sure you cannot object if we write once a year to tell you how much we appreciate this help which comes so regularly every month. It is never easy to get enough money for Hull-House, but in addition to the actual financial help money given by the old residents always seems to me very precious.

The social clubs are doing very well under Mrs. Urie. They are really thoroughly satisfactory for the first time since you left. Miss Starr I am sure will write you of the Mardi Gras ball which the Italians gave last night in Bowen Hall. The younger Italians have one [tonight] in the dining-room which looks as gay as possible and makes me quite homesick for the former [page 2] director of the department.

Aren't Mr. Lindin and yourself ever coming on to see us? Will you give him my cordial greetings and believe me

Affectionately yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

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