Frances Alice Kellor to Jane Addams, January 28, 1913

Progressive Service
National Progressive Headquarters
Hotel Manhattan

New York City, Jan. 28, 1913.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:

I am sending you under separate cover one hundred Progressive Service reviews. If you can use more please let me know. I have been unable to push the work until I had these and will now go ahead, covering the various states. I was afraid of getting swamped. Will you send me a form letter to be used in inviting members of your committees and we will send them out from here, entering the names and sending the replies to you. As the suggestions come in from states will you have them sent to you before acceptance? Is it your idea that eight or ten members constitute an advisory committee to meet with you when you wish, and the others will be general members? If the states respond, as we hope, there will be several hundred on a committee. Shall these be sent to you? I enclose some additional suggestions, which, if you O.K., I will send the letters to. A night letter of your invitation to join might save time. I like your suggestion of Mr. [Riis] better and am following it. Is it your idea to have Mr. Grant as Chairman; who as Vice-Chairman? Also please indicate Vice-Chairmen on other committees. May we use a rubber stamp signature on all formal matters? If so, please do us a good one to copy.


Very truly yours,

Frances A Kellor [signed]