Julia Henriette Gulliver to Jane Addams, November 16, 1906

Rockford College
Rockford, Illinois
Julia H. Gulliver, Ph. D.

Nov. 16, 1906.

My dear Miss Addams:

As this year is the most successful year that Rockford has known for a long time, we are planning to have a Winter Festival here on the 18th and 19th of January, which will be an occasion of rejoicing and of home coming for the former students and the present friends of Rockford College.

Friday afternoon we are expecting to have addresses by various Alumnae about ten minutes in length. We hope to have each one speak about the special work in which she is engaged. Will you not be here and speak on any phase of your work that happens to be most interesting to you at present? The main address will be on Friday evening by Mr. James H. Eckels, President of the Commercial National Bank in Chicago. He will speak on some civic subject likely to be interesting to the business men. We hope to have Chicago men as well as Chicago women present, and also a goodly representation of the business men of Rockford. Saturday there will be a [basketball] game, fancy dances, cooking class, a Recital by the musical Faculty, and a play in the evening, given by one of the sororities.

Hoping to hear from you soon and favorably, I am,

Very cordially and affectionately yours,

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