Caroline Foulke Urie to Jane Addams, August 6, 1912

August 6th

My dear Miss Addams

News reaches us here belatedly, & we have not yet heard the actual goings of the Convention in Chicago, but we are so delighted to hear of [page 2] your election as a delegate & want to send you our good wishes at once.

It is one of the big events of contemporary history, we feel an augury of high & splendid promise for [page 3] the new party, that you should be among its leaders; & we pray that the social & industrial justice for which you have always [labored] may, [through] this party, be in great measure realized at last.

We congratulate the party on having such as you among its [page 4] councils.

With affectionate greetings from all the Uries.

Faithfully yours

Caroline Foulke Ūrie

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