Mary Rozet Smith to Lillian D. Wald, March 2, 1904



March 2.

Dear Lady

It is balm to a broken spirit to know that you are really coming. I'm thankful that I care so much about something. Anytime is perfectly convenient for me, but Miss Addams is hoping you will come back from the East with her on the twenty-fifth of March.

[page 2] I think she wrote you about a meeting-place and the date. It seems too bad for you to be wasted on our small, quiet household, but you will like seeing H.H. and the lady, and I'm not going to have any pangs of remorse over absorbing you.

We have been a wretched little family this winter. My aunt has been ill since before Christmas and is still in [page 3] bed. My father fell five or six weeks ago, and bruised his hip. He is only just downstairs, but will soon be quite well, I think.

Our good Annie, who has been our prop and stay for fourteen or fifteen years, died of pneumonia last Friday. Her illness was terribly distressing and her death a great grief to us all. I seem to be quite flattened out by it, but I shall pull myself together [page 4] shortly.  The whole question of domestic service is keeping me awake o'nights at present. If it weren't for my dear and helpless elders I'd be cooking and washing after Mrs. Lillie's own fashion at this moment.

We are putting a small organ in the Hull-House Auditorium, in memory of my mother, and we're hoping it will be installed in time to have a little recital on [page 5] Sunday, March twenty-seventh. It will be especially nice if you can be here then.

But you must come whenever it is easiest for you.

We'll welcome you with open arms, you may be sure.

Please give my best love to the household.

Devotedly yours
Mary R. S.