Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, February 3, 1904

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago

Dear Miss Addams:-

I am glad to learn that you are going to be away in March. So am I, but my March Sundays are on my mind yet I hope that Samuel Jones of Toledo will occupy one Sunday. I [want] some more of that kind. Perhaps you may know of some body ↑who may be↓ in or around Chicago during that time who would be desirable supply. It is a pity that it is so; I have plenty of available material, but Chicago constituency is so finical that they generally stay at home. If you have a suggestion to make, perhaps you will be willing to let your Secretary drop me a line. If not, pay not attention to it. I would not give you ↑an↓added care if I could help. Any suggestion you may make will be treated confidentially. You know the standing impecuniosity of such mills as you and I run, save to supply my pulpit at my own expense and so could not pay [you] very much of an honorarium.

Always thankfully yours,

Jenkins Lloyd Jones [signed]

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