Lettie Cox Stewart to Jane Addams, November 22, 1903


Mrs. Ethelbert Stewart

2299 N. 41st Court
Irving Park,
November, 22d 1903.

My Dear Miss Addams.

Mr. Stewart had to resign as representative of the Chicago Press Club, at the Henry D. Lloyd Memorial Meeting, and go on to New York to work, so we are not in touch with the affair, and do not know how to arrange to go.  Are there to be any seats reserved?  If so I will be more than thankful if you will let me know [page 2] how I can get some.  I have never gone any place and taken the entire family but our love for Henry D. Lloyd was so great that every one of us want to help swell the crowd and express as best we may that love.  If it would not be ↑considered↓ too much like the thing he so hated, a monopoly, I want nine seats.  Please let me know where I can find out about it as soon as possible and oblige.

Yours Faithfully--

Lettie Cox Stewart

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