Julia Clifford Lathrop to Jane Addams, January 10, 1911


Agra 10/1/[11]

My dear J. A.

I am ashamed to find that it is nearly three weeks since we had our Christmas mail at Bombay and two copies of your book came to me. One was from Ella Waite with permission to pass it on and I shall bestow it on the lady at the head of Aunt [Mats] old station where we are going this week. The other with your inscription I [page 2] shall cherish. I sat on the top of Mount Abu and read it from "Kiver to Kiver" and I believe it all. It is much richer as a whole than in the magazine articles and I am sure you have done some of it over. It is lovely and noble and sensible and appealing. The preface is most skillful. I am much flattered that my picture should appear, but it is [page 3] an unworthy guest. Had I known or thought that it was to be in the volume I would have spent weeks to find a photographer venal enough to produce something worthy of your company.

I am wondering how the strike finally worked out and what has come next. American news is not on the market of India. However at intervals we receive the Literary Digest which I at first [abhorred] but now embrace and we know as much as we can crowd in to minds so consumed with so many bewildering and wonderful objects and experiences as this most marvelous country affords. Please assure Mrs. Bowen and every one who wrote me at Christmas that I dearly loved their letters and that I do not write just because I can't at present.

Yours affectionately Julia C. Lathrop

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