Jane Addams to Ellen Wayles Coolidge, February 28, 1925


February 28, 1925

My dear Miss Coolidge:

I have very regretfully written Fraulein Löhr, discouraging her coming to the United States. Her lack of English would make it almost impossible to put her into any institution for care of children, which is of course what she wants and I had rather an unfortunate experience in regard to adjusting European social workers to American conditions. I hope I am not shirking in thus writing you. If Miss Peck pronounces her exceptionally good, possibly we could do something about it later.

I feel reproached in writing to you at all during these days of sorrow and bereavement. I am sure you know, you and all Mr. Wood's Boston friends have our sincerest sympathy. We had a really very beautiful memorial meeting for him at Hull-House last Sunday evening when Dr. Elliott and some Chicago people spoke.

I leave tomorrow for a month in Mexico but the Barnett Fellowship matter will be carried on very skillfully by Mrs. Robert Lovett who is kindly giving it her time. I just sent a statement of the pledges received to Mr. Kennedy. I think we are starting off quite well.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Miss Ellen Coolidge,