Defiance, Ohio, Jan. 4" 1911.
My dear Miss [Addams]: --
I am delighted with your letter of Dec. 28th. Just because of your long interest in the vocation movement and second, because your evident good judgement as to the requirements for thus promoting vocation direction services, for these very reasons, I should like to have you on our Board. I am sending some printed matter in a separate package which I hope will indicate to you that your Humble Servant may have at least average capacity for advisor in this work. I have charge of the Department of Philosophy in Defiance College and have been teaching Psychology in the class room for a number of years. I have traveled somewhat extensively, seeing men employed in all kinds of occupations in first hand and made a study of nature from the standpoint of temperament for more than fifteen years. It is this phase of experience and attainment that I feel able to contribute to the vocation movement with a little confidence. I know few men who have had the opportunity and pursued the same kind of studies that seemed to fit one specifically for vocation field as a director. Be perfectly free to offer any criticisms you find in your head or heart. I met you two years ago last summer, but I suppose you have forgotten me. I admire your work and shall value your assistance however little it be in connection with our organization. All we ask is that you give somewhat of the fruits of your observation, reading, and experience in the way of indicating articles, books or other data that will help the Bureau in its services. Just a postal card with a word of cheer and a few facts will be gratefully received from you.
Please inform me who is interested in promoting this <the Chicago> Vocation Bureau. I would like to get in line with them. I am connected with the Boston end of the work. I enclose you a copy of some of our Advisory Board members in which your <name> is included. Please let it remain there, and permit me to remain,