Jane Addams to Albert Joseph Kennedy, February 6, 1925


↑Feby 6" 1925↓

My dear Mr Kennedy:

Here is the first proof with your suggested changes and my reasons for disregarding others:

1st. I think that the first statement must make clear that the English fund is secured and in operation.

2d. My objection to using the English names is that the list we have is so old, of 1914. I happen to know that two of the men are dead and others may be; I should therefore drop the names altogether and add the officers of Barnett House.

3d. At your suggestion I have put back the statement containing the entire paragraph entitled "American Settlements and Settlements in Other Nations," which I had eliminated. I put it on page 4 with the National Federation of Settlements. I will set up the latter as a letter head so that I may have more stationery struck off here.

4th. I have also made a page 2, copying from the Fellowship statements as you see. By the way, I was once very much scolded in England for using the work Fellowship so carelessly. I was told that it had a definite university meaning and should not be used outside, but I have taken courage from the material you sent me and have restored the word instead of the awkward one of "studentship."

5th. I do not like the idea of a larger committee. We have been so interminably slow with this that I cannot imagine what would happen if we had anymore members. As you see I have put our committee down with the other Federation Committees and they too publish only the Chairman. That would not seem queer to anyone reading it in connection with the others.

6th. I shall have to go on and print my circular, using it as far as possible as it is, and later adding the names of committees from various cities if we get them either on the back page or a separate flier.

7th. I am writing to Mr. Vincent of the [Rockefeller] Foundation. I know him very well and hope he may help. I will act on the suggestion of John Elliott's letter and write to him and to the other twenty-four people of whom you wrote, first, sending them the material.

8th. The die which was to have been the seal of Barnett House I just had a report on. It will cost $70.00, so I have reluctantly given it up. By Monday we will have a print of the seal done in bronze and I will send the proof at once.

9th. I suspect I may seem a little impatient because I am planning to go to Mexico in March and am awfully anxious to get this thing well on the ↑way before then. Hastily yours↓ Jane Addams [signed] [page 2]

↑I have had a nice letter from Miss Coolidge & have just written her. Will you show her this material please & send judgment from both of you?↓

Mr. Kennedy. -- Post-script

I think I have taken up all your points. I am however, a little confused as to just whom I am expected to write. I will send out the twenty-four letters at once and letters to most of the people whose names have been sent in, and then will wait for further instructions. If that is not a good plan will you let me know, if possible, by telegram.

Hastily yours,

J A [initialed]