Clara Augusta Danielson Neligh to Jane Addams, January 20, 1925


January 20, 1925

Miss Jane Addams
800 South [Halsted] Street
Chicago, Illinois

Dear Miss Addams:

I had a letter this morning from Mr. Kennedy asking me to suggest names to you of persons who might be appealed to for a contribution to the Barnett Memorial.

Mrs. Alice P. Barney, [1635] Ogden Drive, Hollywood, California, has given two of the houses used by Neighborhood House for the past twenty years. Mrs. Barney is a well-known artist and a very broad-minded, sympathetic, and generous type of woman. She has always endorsed the educational work done by settlements and I believe would be interested in contributing to this fund.

Miss Ellen A. Vinton, 1869 Mintwood Place, Washington, D.C., is another public spirited Washington woman -- a graduate of Wellesley; is well known to the professional people of Washington. At our last Board meeting she gave two scholarships to be used for the education of two girls in our craft department. She was chairman of a committee of university women who made a study of the need for trade schools for sewing for girls in Washington, with the result that her plans were taken over by one vocational school in the grammar grades and the Technical High School. I don't believe she could give as liberally to the fund as Mrs. Barney. I would ask Mrs. Barney to give five hundred dollars, and I would ask Miss Vinton to give two hundred.

After you have replies from Mrs. Barney and Miss Vinton, if they decline I may be able to think of someone else.

Mr. Neligh joins me in most cordial greetings.

Sincerely yours,
