Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, February 26, 1911


Dear Lady

I am ashamed to have so long delayed a letter to my dear hostess but the visit of Col Roosevelt to H.H. seemed to take up all the first days [of] the week and a tremendous accumulation of neglected work, all the latter.

May I thank you first for the beautiful brass kettle which was received with a shout of approval by the residents who had just [page 2] coldly turned down our pewter. The brass stands proudly upon the dining room [mantle] while the pewter hides its head in the cafeteria. The book also came yesterday -- you are too good to me.

Mr Bowen is really very seriously ill, just now suffering much pain from pleurisy. The doctor gives little hope of recovery. Mary Smith in spite of lumbago and asthma seems better and [page 3] is planning to go to Birmingham with me. We are so pleased to see that you might be there -- do come. 

It is very nice to be at home again and in spite of much speaking [in] Boston and Providence I am rested by the journey and for the first time in a year feel encouraged about my slumping [vitality?]. Much of the pleasure and [rest] was due to you, Dear Lady.

Always affectionately yours

Jane Addams

Feb'y 26" 1911

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