John A. Butler to Jane Addams, January 19, 1909


Jan. 19, 1909.

Miss Jane [Addams]

My Dear Miss [Addams]: I am writing as briefly as possible, [today] that we have established a 'City Club' in Milwaukee which will be a Bureau of Municipal Research; & is interested in every phase of civic development. We meet next Saturday at Luncheon to discuss the question of "Child Labor" and I am very anxious to get Judge Lindsey here on that occasion. The club is just established, and could not afford to ask Judge Lindsey to come here from Denver, but learning incidentally, today, [page 2] that it was to be in Chicago the latter part of the week, I venture to try to reach him in some way through you. In fact I know of no other way. I shall be in Chicago Wednesday, & may be able to telephone, or call at Hull House. I am desperately anxious to get the Judge ↑to visit Milwaukee↓ & feel confident that your interest in his missionary words will lead you to receive my letter as charitably as possible. You may possibly remember me as one of the speakers at the Nat. Meeting of Women's Clubs at St. Paul some years ago, when Mr. J. L. Adams & I had the honor of sharing this attention of the audience with you at an evening session.

Yrs, very truly

John A. Butler.

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