Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, January 6, 1909



My dear Alice

I saw Mary Fry for most of the day on Sunday when she was full of her fine visit to New York when she and Marcet seem to have had the [jolliest] sort of a lark. I hope to be in N.Y. the last of the month and will of course see her then. Esther was safely landed at Cedarville on Tuesday, she will need at least a month of rest and feeding and then I [page 2] hope will be soon on her feet.

Mrs Bowen insisted that I should let her keep the children, so here they all are with Mary having the chickenpox into the bargain. I have come over for a few days and am much enjoying the rest after all the holiday rush. I hope to hear from you soon, the check is going in with one from Laura & Mary Smith into a little table desk that I want for my room. [page 3]

With love to you and every good wish for the New Year. Always you loving sister Jane Addams.

Jany. 6" 1909