Amy Woods to Jane Addams & Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Executive Committee, April 18, 1924


April 18, 1924

Miss Jane Addams & Members of the National Executive Committee

Please approve and return to headquarters quickly so that details may be arranged at once.

Placing Loan The accompanying financial statement is approximately right, $7, 461.07. Will have to be paid before May 17, when the Pax Special reaches the Summer School. In order to avoid embarrassment the National Secretary recommends that the Treasurer takes steps at once to secure a loan up to $4,000, to be placed to the credit of the W.I.L. in the American Security & Trust Company, Washington, D.C. not later than April 28th, -- the final amount of the loan to be determined in accordance with the contributions received during the week of April 20th; also that all money received during the trip of the Pax Special be deposited in the Bank to retire this loan on or before June 15, 1924.

Suggestions for covering hospitality of delegates while in Washington. Arrangements to be made with the Washington Hotel to include on the bill of the 25 delegates; breakfasts, at the rate of 50¢ per day, when ordered, luncheon arranged by the Women's University Club at the rate of 55¢ to be checked to the W.I.L. account, for delegates designated; allowance of $1.00 per day for dinner (a very good dinner can be had for 75¢). Arranged for by giving a check for $10.00 each to the 25 delegates made in their names and listed on side of check "for hospitality." These checks when [canceled] would serve as a receipt and if presented with friendly note could not give offense.

Railroad Fares New York to Washington, Miss Hubbard to secure tickets and present to individual delegates.

Amy Woods

National Secretary