Anson Phelps Stokes Jr. to Jane Addams, May 26, 1910


May 26, 1910.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Madam:-

I was exceedingly glad to get your letter, accepting the invitation of the Yale Corporation to be present Commencement Day, to receive an honorary degree from the University.

I write to inform you that you are invited to be the guest during your stay in New Haven of Professor Henry W. Farnam, whose address is 43 Hillhouse avenue. I am sure that your host will be glad to be informed as to the date and hour of your arrival.

I am enclosing a Commencement program. You are asked to be at Woodbridge Hall in Academic costume without hood Wednesday morning, June 22nd, at 9:45 o'clock promptly. If you do not happen to have a cap and gown and do not care to borrow them from friends, they may be secured from Lessts. Cotrell & Leonard, State St., Albany, N.Y.

Should you wish ladies tickets for any of the Commencement Exercises, we shall do our best to supply them if informed before June 14th. Your part in the Commence-Exercises consists merely of rising when your name is mentioned by the Public Orator, stepping forward a few paces and remaining facing the orator until he has finished his introduction; you then walk to the center of the platform, face the President and receive from him the diploma while at the same time a hood is being placed over your shoulders. You then return to your seat. It may be a relief to your mind to know that no speech or address will be required of you in connection with the Commencement Exercises or the dinner following.

Please let me know if I can be of service to you in connection with your visit to New Haven.

Very truly yours,

Anson Phelps Stokes [signed]

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