Grace DeGraff to Jane Addams, March 11, 1924

Portland, Ore., Mch. 11, 1924
604 Sheffield Ave

Dear Miss Addams:

I truly was the happiest person to receive your letter and the appointment to serve on the Summer School Committee, that you could imagine -- mostly, because you thought me worthy.

The Congress will take place before my year's work will be finished so I will be unable to attend. I pledged myself to find someone who would go from Portland before writing you. Now I have succeeded in that for Mrs. Millie Trumbull, our Child Labor Commissioner thinks that she will be able to go.

I will have to content myself by working from here, giving it as much publicity as I can and urging others to attend. But I shall be wishing all the time that I, too, might be there. There is enough to do here when I keep my courage and will.

I send you much love.


Grace DeGraff

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